Saturday, October 8, 2011

My 1st Semester Courses

So today nak share skit la subjek-subjek or major and minor course yang Naz amik for this semester.In Unimas  I am taking Bachelor In Science with Honors in Human Resource yang menariknya program ini berbanding yang ditawarkan di Universiti awam or swasta yang lain di Malaysia ialah this program include SCIENCE..means we are going to get degree in science..

Why It have science..because not only we are going to learn Human Resource Development tapi kitorang jugak akan blajar Cognitive science and juga Cognetive psychology plus minus..Business Math and of course statistik..

Mesti ramai yang tertanya..ape tue Cognitive science and Cognitive psychology...Actually Cognitive science yang ditawarkan UNIMAS adalah the only cognitive program in other IPTS or IPTA lain yang tawarkan...

So ape tue cognitive..Cognitive science adalah study or research berkaitan dengan Human everything about brain or ape yang kitorang akan blajar adalah fungsi minda, brain, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, linguistic etc..Lebih kurang macam blajar Biologi lah..tapi lebih detail about brain and hows it tue la...Cognitive psychology lak of course la pasal psikologi kan...tapi lebih mendalam or lebih kepada psikologi minda manusia...

For a bit of knowledge...sape-sape yang bercita-cita tuk jadi executive or orang yang berpengaruh dalam company or organization such as director or CEO..leh la cuba amik program nie...Why???? HRD actually one of 15 jobs that enlisted as FAST TRACK to become CEO or semaksud dengan nya...bukan la semua org jadi CEO..means peluang to go even further to cerah la..u know Bright....

My Business Math lecturer Madame Farida..mempunyai pengalaman dalam HRD for 20 years ,reveal that...a month ago kut..dia cakap dia ade apply for a job at Jobstreet Malaysia...and a week kemudian..dia dapat reply from ASTRO...she got jawatan as Vise President of Human Resource Department..and dia cakap ASTRO offer base pay..or gaji pokok RM 25,000 per MONTH...that's only BASIC..and plus baru just as Vise-President of HR deparment kalau CEO brape la ek...ahhaha Berangan jap..

So dalam hati tue..memang bercita-cita akan jadi cam die..tapi of course la..kena Hard works..cuz kejayaan takkan datang dengan sendiri..and getting a degree is not an insurance for success....

Still ingat lagi ayat keramat die. "Why lot of people think Math is hard...actually Math is not hard..because Math is common sense, just like human facing is commn sense"

Erkkkkk...ok stuju jer lah...x stuju susah plak nanti..

Summary Course

  • Human Resource Management - Favourite
  • Organization Management - X pasti hehhee
  • Cognitive Science  - OK
  • Cognitive Psychology - Boleh la
  • Business Math - So far So Good
  • TITAS / Tamadun Islam and Asia - Suka lecturers die..Lawak
  • Users Computing - Enjoyable
Total 18 jam credit...Cuma x suka hari slasa jer..kelas start from 8am until 4 dua jam..then  sambung 6pm  - 8pm..Penat la tau..kelas cam tue...

Tak per sabar je lah kan...demi impian yang satu iaitu....Lihat di bawah

 hahahaha..Berangan tak leh blah..New York tau...plan nak merantau for living with my best frenz aka my mentee Rizal Li ..hahahhhaha
ape pun..tak salah kan berangan..Tak dapat x per..KL pun jadi Lah...huuhhu jangan Bangladesh sudahhh...hhahah

1 comment:

ZulrizalAzlin said...

kan.. New York- New York....

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